Più di 100 dissuasori impiantati a perimentro della courthouse di Derry per impedire la fermata di veicoli, troppo vicino all’edificio

Non è stato accolto con favore, l’impianto di più di un centinaio di dissuasori a protezione della courthouse di Derry. Un tentativo per evitare che in futuro altre autobombe possano essere piazzate nella vicinanze dell’edificio.
Martin McCrossan, portavoce dell’associazione commercianti, ha dichiarato:
“Ma quando mi hanno detto che li avrebbero messi lì, purtroppo ho dovuto convenire che a renderlo necessario era una questione di sicurezza”.
“Così, alla fine della giornata, non è colpa della PSNI o del Servizio di Sicurezza, è tutto dovuto all’incremnto dell’attività dissidente”.

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Security bollards erected at Derry court (UTV)

Security bollards are being erected around the courthouse in Derry following recent dissident republican attacks.
Police hope the measure will prevent future attempts to plant devices in the vicinity of Bishop Street Courthouse.
More than a hundred of the bollards will be put in place to stop vehicles getting too close to the building.
Last month, a bomb containing around 50kg of homemade explosives was found in a beer keg in a car abandoned outside the courthouse.
SDLP MP Mark Durkan told UTV that resources which could have been spent enhancing the city centre were instead being diverted to the scheme.
City centre traders’ spokesman Martin McCrossan said he had pleaded for the bollards not to be erected, but agreed they were needed.
“But when they told me the case for putting them there unfortunately I had to agree that the security situation warrants them,” he said. “So at the end of the day it’s not the fault of the Police or the Security Service, it’s all down to increased dissident activity.”
The increased security measures come the same day it was announced the WOMAD international music festival is to be held in Derry as part of the UK City of Culture 2013 celebrations.

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