Arrestato un 26enne dalla polizia di Strathclyde. Il giovane è stato portato in Irlanda del Nord dove è sottoposto ad interrogatori. Sequestrato un intero arsenale a Coalisland

Un arresto nell’ambito dell’inchiesta sull’omicidio del giovane agente della PSNI, ucciso da una booby trap bomb il 2 aprile scorso a Omagh.
Si tratta di un ragazzo di 26 anni.
Inizialmente in stato di fermo a Renton, Dunbartonshire, è stato poi portato in Irlanda del Nord dove viene sottoposto ad interrogatori. L’arresto è stato effettuato dalla polizia di Strathclyde.
Nell’ambito delle indagini, sequestrati anche quattro fucili Kalashnikov, munizioni, unità timer, detonatori, bombe incendiarie e altri ordigni esplosivi. Recuperati anche componenti per lanciarazzi ed un certo quantitativo di esplosivo, probabilmente Semtex.
Il sequestro è stato effettuato, nella notte di martedì, presso un garage sulla Mountjoy Road a Coalisland.
Gli elementi recuperati verranno ora attentamente esaminati nella speranza di poter avviare nuove linee di indagine nell’inchiesta.

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Man arrested over Kerr murder (UTV)
Police investigating the murder of PSNI officer Ronan Kerr have arrested a man in Scotland.
The suspect, aged 26, was detained in Renton, Dunbartonshire, by Strathclyde Police at approximately 1.10pm on Wednesday.
He is being brought back to Northern Ireland for questioning.
PSNI detectives investigating the car bomb attack in Omagh on Saturday have also seized four Kalashnikov rifles, ammunition, six loaded magazines, timer power units, detonators, incendiary bombs and other explosive devices.
Components for rocket launchers and a quantity of explosives, possibly Semtex, were also recovered.
The seizure was made in a garage unit on the Mountjoy Road in Coalisland on Tuesday night.
Assistant Chief Constable of the PSNI Drew Harris said that people in Northern Ireland are “very much safer because these munitions have been taken out of circulation.”
He said that the items will now be forensically examined in the hope that new lines of enquiry for the murder investigation will be provided.
ACC Harris said that information from the public on the murder had been useful so far, but appealed for further help.
“Expressions of sympathy and condemnation are welcome but we need more. We need information.
“If you have information about Ronan’s murder, I would urge you to come forward. Help us to protect the next son or daughter from being so cruelly murdered.”
The developments come as PC Kerr was laid to rest in Beragh on Wednesday.

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