Un gruppo di 30 dissidenti repubblicani ha oggi interrotto un meeting del District Policing Partnership che si stava tenendo a Derry.
I partecipanti alla protesta hanno lanciato fiale puzzolenti, usato fischietti e scandito slogan contro la polizia, in occasione della riunione al Tower Hotel. Il DPP e il PSNI hanno conseguentemente optato per l’abbandono.
Nessuno è stato arrestato, ma l’Ispettore John Burrows ha dichiarato che l’azione ha “oltrepassato il limite di una protesta pacifica”.
“Questo tipo di comportamento immaturo non impedirà alla polizia di Derry di fare il proprio lavoro”.
La manifestazione indetta per evidenziare la ‘campagna di molestie’ contro i repubblicani, era stata ampiamente pubblicizzata sui siti web di parte, dove era stato specificato che l’organizzazione era affidata al 32 County Sovereignty Movement, in accordo con altre organizzazioni repubblicane.
Al centro dell’ordine del giorno del meeting, avrebbero dovuto esserci la discussione di misure anti-terrorismo da adottare a seguito dei circa 700 “stop & search” avvenuti a Derry negli ultimi 12 mesi.
Pat Ramsey del SDLP ha affermato: “Queste persone parlano di processo democratico e negano responsabilità”.
“Questo incontro è stato un ulteriore occasione per la polizia di porsi ulteriori e  seri interrogativi su come affrontare una serie di questioni”.
Il Real IRA ha inoltre rivendicato l’invio di proiettili a dei parenti di agenti di polizia impiegati presso l’Ulster Bank in Culmore Road a Derry, in busta chiusa la scorsa settimana.

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Dissidents disrupt police meeting (BBC News Northern Ireland)
Dissident republicans have disrupted a District Policing Partnership (DPP) meeting in Londonderry.
At least 30 supporters threw stink bombs, blew whistles and chanted anti-PSNI slogans at the meeting in the Tower Hotel in the city.
The meeting between the local district policing partnership and the PSNI has been called off. No-one was arrested.
Inspector John Burrows said the actions had “overstepped the mark of a peaceful protest”.
“This type of juvenile behaviour will not prevent police in Derry from doing their job,” he added.
The protest had been advertised on dissident republican websites.
A posting said it was planned by the 32 County Sovereignty Movement, in conjunction with other republican organisations, and was intended to highlight a “harassment campaign” campaign against republicans.
Anti-terrorism powers were due to be discussed at the meeting after there was almost 700 stop and search incidents in Derry in the last three months.
SDLP Foyle MLA Pat Ramsey said the protesters showed complete disregard for democracy.
“These people talk about the democratic process and the lack of accountability.
“This meeting was a further chance for the general public to give serious questions and comments to the police on a whole range of issues,” he said.
“However, they were prevented from doing so by the dissidents as their behaviour forced the meeting to be stopped.”
The Real IRA said it was responsible for sending bullets to police relatives working in a bank in Derry this week.
They were sent in an envelope to employees at the Ulster Bank on the Culmore Road last week.

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