Due uomini di Belfast sono stati arrestati per il tentato omicidio di un agente della PSNI

La polizia ha ufficialmente comunicato l’arresto di 2 uomini nelle indagini sull’attentato che ha coinvolto e mutilato l’agente del Police Service of Northern Ireland, Peadar Heffron.
Un trentatreene di North Belfast ed un trentaquattrenne di West Belfast, sono attualmente posti sotto interrogatorio presso la stazione di polizia di Antrim.
Heffron, 33 anni, è stato vittima di un attentato quando un ordigno piazzato sulla strada da dissidenti repubblicani, è esploso sotto la propria auto a Randalstown, mentre si stava dirigendo al lavoro.
Le gravi condizioni di salute, e le gravi ferite riportato hanno costretto il personale medico a procedere all’amputazione della gamba destra.

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Arrests over PSNI officer bomb attack (NewsLetter)
Two men have been arrested in connection with the attempted murder of a PSNI officer.
A police spokesperson confirmed the duo were detained on Monday morning in north and west Belfast.
The males, aged 33 and 34 respectively, are being questioned at Antrim police station.
Constable Peadar Heffron was driving to work earlier this month when a device, believed to have been planted by dissident republicans, went off under his car near Randalstown.
The 33-year-old had his right leg amputated as a result of the injuries sustained and has underwent a series of vital operations to save his life.
He was first rushed to Antrim Area Hospital on 8 January, before being moved to the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast.
A police spokeswoman said on Sunday that Mr Heffron had regained consciousness for the first time but remained in a “critical but stable” condition.
Mr Heffron is an Irish language specialist for the PSNI and captain of the PSNI GAA team.
Chief Constable Matt Baggott described the officer as a “hero”.

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